Challenges and Solutions: Streamlit Community Cloud in China

Understanding the Streamlit technology, its prevalent issues in China and ways to overcome them.

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Streamlit Community Cloud is a fascinating technology that helps developers and data scientists to develop, deploy and manage their custom web applications instantly. Its simplicity, interactivity, and user-friendly interface make it uniquely positioned in the app-building ecosystem.

Companies like Spotify, Uber, Twitter and more have incorporated Streamlit into their operations, showcasing its scalability and robustness. The platform doesn’t just cater to large-scale organizations, it’s also a favored choice among startups and SMEs, given its flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Streamlit is a pioneer in sharing data science projects in a streamlined manner. However, when it comes to leveraging it outside the U.S, certain complexities may arise. One of the considerable ones is in the Chinese market.


Streamlit can face issues in China primarily due to two things - loading speeds and legal compliances. When websites or web apps powered by Streamlit are viewed in China, slow loading times or even unavailability of the sites can be a common problem. This is mainly due to the compatibility issues with Chinese web infrastructure.

Link: CDN or 21YunBox: Which One Do You Need For China?

Another crucial concern is compliance. China has strong internet regulations and the hosting providers should be aware of the rules and follow them strictly. Sites that are not in compliance with these laws can face a ban or penalties from Chinese authorities.

Link: Make Your Site Compliant in China

The Streamlit Community Cloud operates on AWS infrastructure. Link: Streamlit Official Documentation

However, 21YunBox provides a solution to these issues. Our hosting and streaming solutions streamline the process from Streamlit to 21YunBox platform. Hence, users don’t need to reupload and they can enjoy a clean looking video player and a boosted loading speed.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of Streamlit just because of these complexities. Get started with 21YunBox today and achieve smooth, speedy and compliant operations in China.



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