Acast in China: Understanding the Technical and Legal Challenges

This comprehensive guide explores the performance and compliance issues that Acast faces in China and how to overcome them.

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Acast is a pioneering podcast platform that empowers publishers and advertisers with the tools they need to create, distribute, and monetize their podcasts. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive analytics make it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. Acast boasts an impressive list of clients, including BuzzFeed, BBC, Financial Times, and The Guardian. These companies trust Acast’s technology not only for its intuitive design but also for its wide-reaching distribution channels, robust monetization strategies, and insightful analytics.

Link: About Acast


As robust and comprehensive as Acast’s technology might be, it’s not without its issues in China. Firstly, users in China often experience speed and loading problems due to compatibility issues with the local websites. Particularly, the discrepancies in the content delivery networks (CDN) used in China and the rest of the world can result in sluggish performance.

Link: CDN or 21YunBox - Which One Do You Need For China?

Secondly, there are legal and compliance issues that need to be navigated. Websites must meet specific regulations to be compliant in China. It includes Internet Content Provider (ICP) licensing requirements and compliance with the Great Firewall (GFW) amongst other rules.

Link: Make Your Site Compliant in China

And of course, the cloud infrastructure Acast uses influences their performance in China. Although Acast’s official documentation doesn’t mention a specific cloud infrastructure, many Western tech companies use infrastructures like AWS and Google Cloud that often face performance issues in China due to connectivity limitations.

However, it’s crucial to mention the solid efforts to overcome these challenges, such as 21YunBox’s solution to streamline the process from Acast to their hosting platform. This provision eliminates the need for re-uploading and serves up a clean video player, ensuring a smoother streaming experience.

Link: 21YunBox’s Hosting Solutions



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